RC irrigants & Root repair
- Elements Quick Prep EDTA GelRegular Price ₹250 Special Price ₹119Excellent files lubrication propertiesSuperlative chelation
- Elements Quick Cal Calcium Hydroxide PasteRegular Price ₹250 Special Price ₹119Highly alkalineExcellent Antibacterial effect
- Elements Quick Cal-I (Calcium Hydroxide With Iodoform Paste)Regular Price ₹250 Special Price ₹119Excellent Anti-Bacterial EffectHighly Alkaline & Radio-opaque
- Elements EDTA Liquid 30mlRegular Price ₹199 Special Price ₹119For Removing Smear LayerIrrigating agent during root canal cleaning
- Prime Dental Prime MTA Bioceramic Root Canal SealerRegular Price ₹2200 Special Price ₹1391RadiopaqueReady To Use
- Septodont Biodentine (Single Pouch)Special Price ₹1650Excellent SealingAdvanced Tricalcium Silicate Cement
- Prime Dental RC Cal - IRegular Price ₹170 Special Price ₹168Calcium Hydroxide & Iodoform Paste2g Syringe
- Neoendo NeoPex (Calcium Hydroxide Paste With Iodoform)Regular Price ₹395 Special Price ₹224Highly RadiopaqueNon Hardening Oil Based Paste
- Prime Dental RC CalRegular Price ₹170 Special Price ₹113Calcium Hydroxide & Barium Sulfate2g Syringe
- Angelus MTA Fillapex Smartmix Syringe (827)Regular Price ₹3400 Special Price ₹2671Excellent FlowEasy To Use
- Dental Avenue Avueprep
From ₹125
As low as ₹112
Softens infected dentineAntibacterial effect in the canal - Meta MTARegular Price ₹2499 Special Price ₹1488Self Neutralized Mineral Trioxide Aggregate300mg Capsule
- Prime Dental Sodium Hypochlorite 5%Regular Price ₹120 Special Price ₹110Endodontic Irrigant250ml Bottle
- Dentsply Pro Root MTA Root Repair Material
From ₹2725
As low as ₹2725
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate1g Ampoules -
- Prime Dental MTA Bioceramic Root Canal SealerRegular Price ₹2200 Special Price ₹1391Ready-to-Use PasteBioactive & Biocompatible
- Septodont BiodentineRegular Price ₹7500 Special Price ₹7236Bioactive Dentin SubstituteCapsules & Single Dose Containers
- Angelus MTA Fillapex Small TubeRegular Price ₹5150 Special Price ₹3791Bioceramic Root Canal SealerEugenol Free
- Prevest Dolo Endogel
From ₹119
As low as ₹119
17% EDTA & 10% Carbamide Peroxide2g Syringe ;Intro(1) & Economy(4) Packs - Neoendo NeoEDTA GelRegular Price ₹277 Special Price ₹10517% EDTA Gel with 10% Carbamide PeroxideRadiopaque
- Prevest Denpro Chlor X (Art.40026)Regular Price ₹263 Special Price ₹136Chlorhexidine Digluconate Solution100ml Solution
- Prevest Denpro Hyposol (Sodium Hypochlorite)
From ₹158
As low as ₹158
Endodontic IrrigantEffective Antimicrobial - Prevest Denpro Calcigel
From ₹196
As low as ₹176
Calcium Hydroxide PasteIntro(2g) & Economy(2 x 2.2g) Packs - Prevest Denpro Calcium Hydroxide PowderRegular Price ₹74 Special Price ₹56Calcium Hydroxide Powder10g Powder
- Pyrax Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
From ₹173
As low as ₹158
Digest pulpal debrisUsed with a stabilizer to increase shelf life -
- Neoendo NeoEDTA LiquidRegular Price ₹382 Special Price ₹23117% EDTA SolutionRemoves Smear Layer
- Neoendo NeoCal (Calcium Hydroxide Paste With Barium Sulphate)Regular Price ₹342 Special Price ₹102Highly RadiopaqueAntibacterial Agent
- Ammdent Calcium Hydroxide PowderRegular Price ₹94 Special Price ₹68Calcium Hydroxide Powder8g Powder
- Septodont Canal PlusRegular Price ₹1000 Special Price ₹573Water Soluble EDTA Gel5g Syringe
- Meta MD CleanserRegular Price ₹710 Special Price ₹52517% EDTA Solution100ml Bottle
- Prevest Denpro EDTA Solution (Art.40004)Regular Price ₹210 Special Price ₹11517% EDTA Solution15ml
Buy RC Irrigants & Root Repair Materials Online In India
The important phases of root canal therapy include removal of the etiological agents of pulpitis, proper instrumentation, irrigation and completely sealing the root canal with suitable biocompatible substitutes. Irrigation may be considered as the most important phase of endodontic therapy because, if properly done, it eliminates the causes of pulpal inflammation such as bacteria and other irritants present in the root canal system and determines the healing of the periapical tissues. Inadequate irrigation and debridement of the canal, may in the long run, become a reason for failure of endodontic therapy.
Root canal instrumentation is done with utmost care by dentists, since it is very significant to avoid any damage to the root structure. But in certain cases, untoward events such as root perforations do happen. Root perforations are iatrogenic or pathologic communications between the root canal and the surrounding periodontium. In these circumstances root repair agents are highly useful in correcting root perforations, thereby protecting the periodontal attachments.
Irrigation goes hand in hand with instrumentation during endodontic therapy. Irrigating solutions when used with proper biomechanical preparation help to loosen debris, microbes and pulpal tissue and facilitate their removal from the canal. Root canal irrigation has mechanical, chemical and biological objectives such as removal of the smear layer, flushing, lubrication and dissolving actions and most importantly antimicrobial action.
Ideal Requirements of Root Canal Irrigants:
- Germicidal and fungicidal action
- Must not irritate the periapical tissues
- Prolonged and sustained antibacterial effect
- Completely remove the smear layer
- Does not stain tooth structure
- Does not induce an immune response
- Does not hinder the sealing ability of filling materials
- Disinfect dentinal tubules
- Easy handling and application
- Inexpensive
What are the commonly used root canal irrigants?
Root canal irrigating solutions may be classified as antimicrobial, tissue dissolving and chelating agents. Certain materials such as MTAD have combinations of these properties. The most commonly used root canal irrigating solutions are sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-bisphosphonate (HEBP) or Etidronate, a mixture of doxycycline, citric acid and detergent known as MTAD and normal saline.
Irrigants such as chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite and MTAD have antibacterial properties. Of these, CHX and MTAD have bacteriostatic properties while NaOCl is bacteriocidal.
Sodium hypochlorite in addition to being bacteriocidal, acts as a tissue dissolving agent. It is used in concentrations between 0.5% to 7%. Although higher concentrations of NaOCl have better antibacterial and tissue dissolving properties, it has been shown to effectively kill target microbes even at low concentrations of 0.1%, when the confounding factors are eliminated. However, irrigation with NaOCl should be carried out with caution as it exhibits toxic effects such as hemolysis, epithelial ulceration and necrosis on vital tissues.
Chlorhexidine gluconate is a widely used root canal irrigant which is an excellent antibacterial and antifungal agent. The antibacterial effect of CHX has been estimated to last upto 12 weeks in dentin. CHX, containing positively charged molecules reacts with the negatively charged phosphate groups on the microbial cell wall, ultimately causing lysis of the cell. It is usually used in concentrations between 0.12% and 2%. Care should be taken while using CHX along with NaOCl as the reaction between the two results in the formation a precipitate, parachloroaniline (PCA). PCA has adverse effects on treatment as it occludes the dentinal tubules, thereby compromising the seal of the obturated root canal.
MTAD, a mixture of doxycycline (tetracycline), citric acid and detergent is a recently developed root canal irrigant which satisfies most of the ideal requisites. It has excellent antimicrobial properties, in addition to being able to effectively remove the smear layer and act as a chelating agent. Studies have shown that MTAD is highly effective in killing the Enterococcus faecalis bacteria even in 200x dilutions. In comparison NaOCl proved to be efficacious up to 32x dilutions.
Chelation is derived from the Greek word “chele” meaning “crab claw”. Chelating agents are used in endodontic therapy to chemically soften the dentin in the root canal, remove the smear layer and increase dentin permeability. The most commonly used chelating agent in endodontics is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Commercially it is marketed as RC Help, SurePrep, Endogel, PrepRite and various other names by manufacturers.
It is recommended to use EDTA along with rotary endodontic files to facilitate root canal preparation. Also final irrigation of the canal with 15-17% EDTA is recommended by many authors for removal of smear layer.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Commonly Used RC Irrigants
Antimicrobial activity
Ability to remove smear layer
Dentin conditioning properties
Shelf life stability
Positive effect on root canal seal
Negative effect on dentin structure
Upregulation of regional immune response
Iatrogenic perforations of the root canal occur sometimes during instrumentation of while preparing the canal for a post. As a result, the periradicular tissues are inflamed, which reduces the prognosis. Moreover, coronal microleakge further complicates the situation as the microbes re-infect the canal. Therefore, as a remedial measure repair of root canal perforations, irrespective of cause, are indicated to increase the rate of success of therapy. Materials such as glass ionomer cement (GIC), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Biodentine and platelet rich fibrin (PRF) are used in repair of perforations in the root canal. MTA has been a biocompatible material that has numerous applications in dentistry. It has been shown to induce regeneration of cementum, a property not exhibited by other root repair materials.
What are the brands selling RC Irrigants and Root Repair materials online in india ?
Cresophene, Canal Plus, Largal Ultra and Parcan by Septodont, BioSol, Exawash and Hypo 3 by Xenon, Prep Rite, EDTA 17% and File Rite by Pulpdent, Hyposol, Chlor X and Dolo Endogel by Prevest Denpro, Glyde File Prep by Dentsply are a few of the various materials sold online at PinkBlue.in by leading manufacturers of dental products worldwide.
Why buy RC Irrigants and Root Repair materials at PinkBlue.in?
PinkBlue.in has the widest range of dental materials online in India. Root canal irrigants and root repair materials are sold by over 20 manufacturers and vendors at PinkBlue.in. All products sold by PinkBlue.in are genuine as they are procured from the manufacturers themselves and from trusted dealers of dental products worldwide. With various modes of payment suited to every dentist, PinkBlue ensures prompt delivery of quality products.
Irrigation goes hand in hand with instrumentation during endodontic therapy. Irrigating solutions when used with proper biomechanical preparation help to loosen debris, microbes and pulpal tissue and facilitate their removal from the canal. Root canal irrigation has mechanical, chemical and biological objectives such as removal of the smear layer, flushing, lubrication and dissolving actions and most importantly antimicrobial action.
Ideal Requirements of Root Canal Irrigants:
- Germicidal and fungicidal action
- Must not irritate the periapical tissues
- Prolonged and sustained antibacterial effect
- Completely remove the smear layer
- Does not stain tooth structure
- Does not induce an immune response
- Does not hinder the sealing ability of filling materials
- Disinfect dentinal tubules
- Easy handling and application
- Inexpensive
What are the commonly used root canal irrigants?
Root canal irrigating solutions may be classified as antimicrobial, tissue dissolving and chelating agents. Certain materials such as MTAD have combinations of these properties. The most commonly used root canal irrigating solutions are sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-bisphosphonate (HEBP) or Etidronate, a mixture of doxycycline, citric acid and detergent known as MTAD and normal saline.
Irrigants such as chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite and MTAD have antibacterial properties. Of these, CHX and MTAD have bacteriostatic properties while NaOCl is bacteriocidal.
Sodium hypochlorite in addition to being bacteriocidal, acts as a tissue dissolving agent. It is used in concentrations between 0.5% to 7%. Although higher concentrations of NaOCl have better antibacterial and tissue dissolving properties, it has been shown to effectively kill target microbes even at low concentrations of 0.1%, when the confounding factors are eliminated. However, irrigation with NaOCl should be carried out with caution as it exhibits toxic effects such as hemolysis, epithelial ulceration and necrosis on vital tissues.
Chlorhexidine gluconate is a widely used root canal irrigant which is an excellent antibacterial and antifungal agent. The antibacterial effect of CHX has been estimated to last upto 12 weeks in dentin. CHX, containing positively charged molecules reacts with the negatively charged phosphate groups on the microbial cell wall, ultimately causing lysis of the cell. It is usually used in concentrations between 0.12% and 2%. Care should be taken while using CHX along with NaOCl as the reaction between the two results in the formation a precipitate, parachloroaniline (PCA). PCA has adverse effects on treatment as it occludes the dentinal tubules, thereby compromising the seal of the obturated root canal.
MTAD, a mixture of doxycycline (tetracycline), citric acid and detergent is a recently developed root canal irrigant which satisfies most of the ideal requisites. It has excellent antimicrobial properties, in addition to being able to effectively remove the smear layer and act as a chelating agent. Studies have shown that MTAD is highly effective in killing the Enterococcus faecalis bacteria even in 200x dilutions. In comparison NaOCl proved to be efficacious up to 32x dilutions.
Chelation is derived from the Greek word “chele” meaning “crab claw”. Chelating agents are used in endodontic therapy to chemically soften the dentin in the root canal, remove the smear layer and increase dentin permeability. The most commonly used chelating agent in endodontics is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Commercially it is marketed as RC Help, SurePrep, Endogel, PrepRite and various other names by manufacturers.
It is recommended to use EDTA along with rotary endodontic files to facilitate root canal preparation. Also final irrigation of the canal with 15-17% EDTA is recommended by many authors for removal of smear layer.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Commonly Used RC Irrigants |
Charateristics |
NaOCl |
Antimicrobial activity |
- |
+ |
+ |
Ability to remove smear layer |
+ |
- |
- |
Dentin conditioning properties |
+ |
- |
- |
Biocompatibility |
+ |
- |
+ |
Shelf life stability |
+ |
- |
+ |
Positive effect on root canal seal |
+/- |
- |
- |
Negative effect on dentin structure |
+ |
+ |
- |
Upregulation of regional immune response |
- |
- |
- |
Iatrogenic perforations of the root canal occur sometimes during instrumentation of while preparing the canal for a post. As a result, the periradicular tissues are inflamed, which reduces the prognosis. Moreover, coronal microleakge further complicates the situation as the microbes re-infect the canal. Therefore, as a remedial measure repair of root canal perforations, irrespective of cause, are indicated to increase the rate of success of therapy. Materials such as glass ionomer cement (GIC), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Biodentine and platelet rich fibrin (PRF) are used in repair of perforations in the root canal. MTA has been a biocompatible material that has numerous applications in dentistry. It has been shown to induce regeneration of cementum, a property not exhibited by other root repair materials.
What are the brands selling RC Irrigants and Root Repair materials online in india ?
Cresophene, Canal Plus, Largal Ultra and Parcan by Septodont, BioSol, Exawash and Hypo 3 by Xenon, Prep Rite, EDTA 17% and File Rite by Pulpdent, Hyposol, Chlor X and Dolo Endogel by Prevest Denpro, Glyde File Prep by Dentsply are a few of the various materials sold online at PinkBlue.in by leading manufacturers of dental products worldwide.
Why buy RC Irrigants and Root Repair materials at PinkBlue.in?
PinkBlue.in has the widest range of dental materials online in India. Root canal irrigants and root repair materials are sold by over 20 manufacturers and vendors at PinkBlue.in. All products sold by PinkBlue.in are genuine as they are procured from the manufacturers themselves and from trusted dealers of dental products worldwide. With various modes of payment suited to every dentist, PinkBlue ensures prompt delivery of quality products.