Tooth Preparation Burs
- Flitt Tricoat Diamond Burs - Tapered Fissure (Flat End)
From ₹499
As low as ₹475
Triple layer coatingSuperior Quality Burs - Flitt Tricoat Diamond Burs - Taper Round End
From ₹499
As low as ₹475
Triple layer coatingSuperior Quality Burs - Flitt Tricoat Diamond Burs - Taper Conical End
From ₹499
As low as ₹475
Triple layer coatingSuperior Quality Burs - Flitt Tricoat Diamond Burs - Straight Ogival End
From ₹499
As low as ₹475
Triple layer coatingSuperior Quality Burs - Flitt Tricoat Diamond Burs - Flame Ogival
From ₹499
As low as ₹475
Triple layer coatingSuperior Quality Burs - Flitt Tricoat Diamond Burs - Wheel Round Edge
From ₹499
As low as ₹475
Triple layer coatingSuperior Quality Burs - Mani Diamond Burs - Wheel Round Edge / WR Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Mani Diamond Burs - TR-S13Regular Price ₹82 Special Price ₹64Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur
- Mani Diamond Burs - Taper Round End / TR Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Mani Diamond Burs - Taper Flat End / TF Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur -
- Mani Diamond Burs - Taper Conical End / TC Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Mani Diamond Burs - Fine / F Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur -
- Mani Diamond Burs - Straight Round End / SR Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Mani Diamond Burs - Straight Ogival End / SO Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Prima Dental Diamond Crown Prep KitRegular Price ₹2500 Special Price ₹1524Simple and AccurateWide range of restorations
- Mani Diamond Burs - Flame Ogival End / FO Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Mani Diamond Burs - Rounded Sholuder / RS Series
From ₹64
As low as ₹64
Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur - Mani Diamond Burs - TF-S20Regular Price ₹82 Special Price ₹64Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur
- Mani Diamond Burs - TF-S31Regular Price ₹82 Special Price ₹66Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur
- Mani Diamond Burs - TF-S21Regular Price ₹82 Special Price ₹64Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur
- Mani Diamond Burs - FO-S21Regular Price ₹82 Special Price ₹66Wide variety of diamond burs with codeCode indicates the shape of the bur
- Prima Dental Diamond Burs SO Series
From ₹374
As low as ₹336
Diamond Cylinder Bevelled/Curettage Burs - Prima Dental Diamond Cylinder Flat End Bur 835-010MRegular Price ₹495 Special Price ₹372High Efficient CuttingMinimal Vibration
- Prevest Denpro ACE KitRegular Price ₹3675 Special Price ₹22095% Hydroflouric AcidSilane-X
- Prima Dental Diamond Crown & Veneer Prep KitRegular Price ₹4500 Special Price ₹2614Accurate tooth preparationWide range of restorations
- Prima Dental Diamond Veneer Prep KitRegular Price ₹3500 Special Price ₹2135Accurate & Controlled Preparation
- Prima Dental Predator Accuprep
From ₹2008
As low as ₹2008
High Efficient CuttingMinimal Gingival Abrasion. - Prima Dental Carbide TF Cross Cut FG-701 SurgicalRegular Price ₹1800 Special Price ₹1297
- Prima Dental Diamond Burs TC Series
From ₹374
As low as ₹336
Minimal VibrationMaximum Cutting Efficiency - Prima Dental Diamond Burs TF Series
From ₹374
As low as ₹336
Minimal VibrationMaximum Cutting Efficiency -