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Buy Preventive Dentistry Products Online in india
Dental decay seems to be the most common chronic disease in the world. The understanding of the etiopathogenesis carious lesions has greatly helped in devising methods to prevent the onset of caries and if initiated, prevent the progression of the lesion. Preventive dentistry deals with the measures taken by the dentist to anticipate, prevent and treat dental health problems at an early stage.
What are the materials used in preventive dentistry?
Prevention of dental decay is carried out by identifying the the criteria that make the tooth susceptible to carious degeneration. These may be morphological such as the presence of pits and fissures in the teeth, factors such as pH of the saliva and amount of remineralization by fluoride. Based on these the materials may be categorized as:
- Pit & Fissure Sealants
- Fluoridation
- Caries Detectors/ Control
Developmental pits and fissures are anatomical features that promote bacterial accumulation and metabolism, which results in dissolution of the crystalline structure of the tooth. To prevent the colonization of bacteria in these sites, pit and fissure sealants can be used to eliminate them and therefore reduce the risk of dental caries. Ergo, pit and fissure sealants may be considered as materials that are introduced into the developmental pits and fissures of caries susceptible teeth, forming a micromechanically bonded protective layer that cuts the access of caries producing bacteria from their nutrient sources.
The advantageous effects of fluoride on teeth have been reiterated time and again. Fluoride aids in remineralization of the tooth structure by the formation and incorporation of fluorapatite into the tooth. This phosphate mineral is less soluble than calcium hydroxyapatite, even under acidic conditions. Steps such as water fluoridation, salt fluoridation, milk fluoridation and others have been taken to ensure proper supply of fluoride. Nonetheless, topical fluoride applications have proven to be a highly efficacious method in incorporating fluoride into the teeth.
Fluoride varnishes such as Fluor Protector have been used in application of topical fluoride. Fluoride gels used in conjunction with foam trays have been used in topical application of fluoride to the entire dental arches.
Means to help anticipate the onset of dental caries or locate the areas where the lesion has developed are highly beneficial in early intervention. Products such as the GC Saliva check kit allows the dentist to assess the salivary production rate, the pH of the saliva, the buffering capacity and other factors which are valuable in predicting the probability of formation of caries lesions. Caries detection dyes help identify carious lesions in their incipient stage.
What is the importance of preventive dentistry?
The age-old proverb ‘Prevention is better than cure’ has been taught to everyone to realize the importance of maintaining good health. Rather than looking for cures, preventive dentistry focuses on eliminating the factors that may cause dental ailments. Especially since patients can be affected by dental problems without having any pain, regular visits to the dentist and receiving preventive treatment such as topical fluoridation can result in a healthier and longer life span of the teeth.
What are the preventive dentistry materials available online?
Brands such as 3M ESPE, Ammdent, Danville, DR Toms, GC, Heraeus Kulzer, Ivoclar Vivadent, Kuraray are some of the many brands selling preventive dental materials online at Products such as pit and fissure sealants, topical fluoride varnishes, topical fluoride gels, caries detection dyes, saliva tests kits and a few others are being sold online.
Why buy preventive dental materials from
PinkBlue focuses on revolutionizing the dental materials supply chain by providing products of standard quality at the best rates available online. Having over 20 brands selling preventive dental materials, dentists have a wide range of products to choose from, that would best suit their needs. The products are procured from reliable manufacturers and importers in the country and are delivered within the stipulated time frame. Having various forms of payment including credit card, debit card, net banking and cash on delivery, buying quality dental materials online has been made possible in just a few simple steps.
What are the materials used in preventive dentistry?
Prevention of dental decay is carried out by identifying the the criteria that make the tooth susceptible to carious degeneration. These may be morphological such as the presence of pits and fissures in the teeth, factors such as pH of the saliva and amount of remineralization by fluoride. Based on these the materials may be categorized as:
- Pit & Fissure Sealants
- Fluoridation
- Caries Detectors/ Control
Developmental pits and fissures are anatomical features that promote bacterial accumulation and metabolism, which results in dissolution of the crystalline structure of the tooth. To prevent the colonization of bacteria in these sites, pit and fissure sealants can be used to eliminate them and therefore reduce the risk of dental caries. Ergo, pit and fissure sealants may be considered as materials that are introduced into the developmental pits and fissures of caries susceptible teeth, forming a micromechanically bonded protective layer that cuts the access of caries producing bacteria from their nutrient sources.
The advantageous effects of fluoride on teeth have been reiterated time and again. Fluoride aids in remineralization of the tooth structure by the formation and incorporation of fluorapatite into the tooth. This phosphate mineral is less soluble than calcium hydroxyapatite, even under acidic conditions. Steps such as water fluoridation, salt fluoridation, milk fluoridation and others have been taken to ensure proper supply of fluoride. Nonetheless, topical fluoride applications have proven to be a highly efficacious method in incorporating fluoride into the teeth.
Fluoride varnishes such as Fluor Protector have been used in application of topical fluoride. Fluoride gels used in conjunction with foam trays have been used in topical application of fluoride to the entire dental arches.
Means to help anticipate the onset of dental caries or locate the areas where the lesion has developed are highly beneficial in early intervention. Products such as the GC Saliva check kit allows the dentist to assess the salivary production rate, the pH of the saliva, the buffering capacity and other factors which are valuable in predicting the probability of formation of caries lesions. Caries detection dyes help identify carious lesions in their incipient stage.
What is the importance of preventive dentistry?
The age-old proverb ‘Prevention is better than cure’ has been taught to everyone to realize the importance of maintaining good health. Rather than looking for cures, preventive dentistry focuses on eliminating the factors that may cause dental ailments. Especially since patients can be affected by dental problems without having any pain, regular visits to the dentist and receiving preventive treatment such as topical fluoridation can result in a healthier and longer life span of the teeth.
What are the preventive dentistry materials available online?
Brands such as 3M ESPE, Ammdent, Danville, DR Toms, GC, Heraeus Kulzer, Ivoclar Vivadent, Kuraray are some of the many brands selling preventive dental materials online at Products such as pit and fissure sealants, topical fluoride varnishes, topical fluoride gels, caries detection dyes, saliva tests kits and a few others are being sold online.
Why buy preventive dental materials from
PinkBlue focuses on revolutionizing the dental materials supply chain by providing products of standard quality at the best rates available online. Having over 20 brands selling preventive dental materials, dentists have a wide range of products to choose from, that would best suit their needs. The products are procured from reliable manufacturers and importers in the country and are delivered within the stipulated time frame. Having various forms of payment including credit card, debit card, net banking and cash on delivery, buying quality dental materials online has been made possible in just a few simple steps.