- Dentsply Neo Spectra ST Universal Composite Restorative KitRegular Price ₹18545 Special Price ₹11410Nano Ceramic Light CuredRadiopaque
- DentLight Universal Composite Refills
From ₹499
As low as ₹450
Light Cured Microhybrid Nanocluster CompositeExcellent Polishing & Strength - Ivoclar Vivadent Tetric N-Ceram Syringe Refills
From ₹1268
As low as ₹1244
Nano Hybrid CompositeLight Cured - Prime Dental Restorite Micro Hybrid Composite KitRegular Price ₹2700 Special Price ₹2414Light Cure Resin Based MaterialEasy Handling
- Ivoclar Vivadent Te-Econom Plus Restorative Kit
From ₹2842
As low as ₹2842
Light Cured Hybrid CompositeHigh Radiopacity - Voco Polofil Supra Syringe Refills
From ₹1291
As low as ₹1214
Non-sticky, good packabilityLow shrinkage - SDI Luna Composite KitRegular Price ₹5100 Special Price ₹4579Anterior and Posterior Nanohybrid Composite KitSuperior Strength And Aesthetics
- Filtek Z350 XT Universal Restorative Syringe - Refills
From ₹2079
As low as ₹1963
Simple to useLifelike aesthetics - Ivoclar Vivadent Tetric N-Ceram - Intro Packs
From ₹5644
As low as ₹5295
Low shrinkageLow wear and high strength - Dentsply Spectrum Composite KitRegular Price ₹6020 Special Price ₹3609Simple and aestheticEasy handling
From ₹2996
As low as ₹2996
Light Cured Composite RestorativeHighly Esthetic - Coltene Whaledent Brilliant NG Syringes Refills
From ₹697
As low as ₹641
Excellent AestheticsSimple Technique - Shofu Beautifil Injectable A2Regular Price ₹1920 Special Price ₹1882Unique Resin StructureEfficient Injectable Delivery
- SDI Luna Universal Composite KitRegular Price ₹6200 Special Price ₹5136Anterior and Posterior Nanohybrid Composite KitSuperior Strength And Aesthetics
- Ivoclar Vivadent Empress Direct Syringe Refills
From ₹5113
As low as ₹4864
Several indications for anterior and posterior teethNo need to use a specific layering technique -
- Prime Dental Core Build-UpRegular Price ₹800 Special Price ₹588Easy HandlingRadiopaque
- Farci Universe Nano Hybrid Composite Refill
From ₹916
As low as ₹876
Highly RadiopaqueExcellent handling - Mothers Dental Farci Universe Nano Hybrid Composite KitRegular Price ₹7999 Special Price ₹4085High RadiopaqueExcellent handling
- Filtek Z350 XT Universal Restorative Capsule - Refills
From ₹2932
As low as ₹2773
Highly EstheticRadiopaque -
- Prevest Denpro Fusion Self Comp Kit Packing (Art.20010)Regular Price ₹2625 Special Price ₹2317Self curedAbrasive resistance
- Ivoclar Vivadent Empress Direct Cavifil Refills
From ₹3025
As low as ₹2861
Several indications for anterior and posterior teethNo need to use a specific layering technique -
- Ivoclar Vivadent Tetric EvoCeram Syringe Refills
From ₹4396
As low as ₹4056
Universal nano hybrid compositeProven performance with over 100 mn restorations