Resin Cements
- 3M ESPE RelyX U200 Self-Adhesive Resin Cement
From ₹7438
As low as ₹7438
Self Adhesive Resin CementDurable - Dentsply Calibra Esthetic Resin Cement - Kits
From ₹3934
As low as ₹3723
Visible light-cured, dual cured, self curedHigh strength - Prevest Denpro Fusion Self Lute Intro Pack (Art.30008)Regular Price ₹1890 Special Price ₹1679Self-curingCementation of indirect restorations
- Fylla Connect Dual Cure Resin Cement Refills
From ₹2804
As low as ₹2652
Radiopaque & Fluoride DispersionDual Cure factor enables easy handling - Ivoclar Vivadent Multilink Speed Resin Cement - Refill & Starter Packs
From ₹4976
As low as ₹4976
Easy and effiecient applicationEasy clean-up of excess cementOut of StockGC G-CEM LINKACE (0132F5640010)Regular Price ₹7350 Special Price ₹6338Optimal Self-cure ModeHigh Bond Durability in One StepOut of StockTokuyama Estecem Kit UniversalSpecial Price ₹11720High mechanical strengthHigh DurabilityOut of StockMedicept Dental SelfCem Dual-cure Resin CementRegular Price ₹4450 Special Price ₹4216Exceptional bond strengthMultiple applicationsOut of StockSun Medical SEcure Starter KitRegular Price ₹5800 Special Price ₹4405Self etchingDual CureOut of StockDetax Dental Tempolink ClearSpecial Price ₹3800Highest marginal tightnessReduced displacement resistanceOut of StockAmmdent URC Dual Cure Resin CementRegular Price ₹2794 Special Price ₹1535Contains glass filler particlesCured by both means of light and chemicalOut of StockD-Tech Gingi BlocSpecial Price ₹300Light curing gingival resin barrierProtects soft tissueOut of StockSun Medical Super Bond C&B Polymer L-Type Radiopaque (5g)Regular Price ₹1500 Special Price ₹1208Self Cure Adhesive Resin CementExcellent Bond StrengthOut of StockMaquira Dual Force Resin Cement (Transparent)Regular Price ₹2500 Special Price ₹1689Dual Cure Adhesive Resin CementHighly AestheticOut of StockSun Medical Super-Bond C&B RefillsFrom ₹1300
As low as ₹1230
Self Cure Adhesive Resin CementExcellent Bond StrengthOut of Stock