The Putty Store
- Neoendo Neopure A Silicone Impression Material
From ₹885
As low as ₹857
High Impression Accuracy & PrecisionBiocompatible -
- Neoendo Neopure C Silicone Impression Material
From ₹527
As low as ₹511
High Impression Accuracy & PrecisionBiocompatible - Zhermack Zetaplus Putty And Kit
From ₹365
As low as ₹365
Reduces mucous compression in insertion phaseExcellent hardness after setting -
- 3M ESPE Express XT VPS Impression Material - Refills
From ₹3165
As low as ₹3165
Great detail reproduction - superior hydrophilicityDistortion-free removal - excellent toughness - Dental Avenue Avue Gum Light Body (2x50ml)Regular Price ₹1500 Special Price ₹1245Thixotropic characteristicAccurate impressions
- Zhermack Elite HD+ Soft Putty
From ₹1500
As low as ₹1500
3 year shelf lifeExcellent elastic recovery - DPI Photosil Soft Putty
From ₹754
As low as ₹754
Standard & Quick Setting TimeHigh resistance to inorganic chemicals - 3M ESPE Impregum Soft Polyether Impression MaterialRegular Price ₹5445 Special Price ₹4174
- 3M ESPE Imprint II Light BodyRegular Price ₹8440 Special Price ₹7214Does not drip or slumpEasy to remove from mouth
- 3M ESPE Soft Putty
From ₹3396
As low as ₹3216
Easy Mix with soft handlingAccurate & Dimensionally stable - Dentsply Aquasil Soft Putty and Kit
From ₹7048
As low as ₹7048
Very high viscosity impression materialOptimum flexibility for easy removal from undercuts -
- 3M ESPE Soft Putty (Korea)Regular Price ₹3775 Special Price ₹3088AutomaticReal putty consistency
- Dental Avenue Avue Gum Putty (2x300ml)Regular Price ₹3800 Special Price ₹2425Thixotropic characteristicAccurate impressions
- 2 Avue Gum Putty + 2 Avue Gum Light BodySpecial Price ₹6798Hydrophilic Vinyl PolysiloxaneThixotropic
- Prevest Denpro Accusil Putty & Kit
From ₹1352
As low as ₹1265
Hydrophilic Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialHigh Dimension Stability - GC Flexceed Putty And Light Body KitRegular Price ₹6883 Special Price ₹4557Superior Tear StrengthRubber Base Impression Material
- Dentsply Aquasil Ultra Cartridges - Wash/ Tray Materials
From ₹3930
As low as ₹3930
Excellent hydrophilic propertiesDimensional accuracy - Coltene Whaledent President LB SGL
From ₹1795
As low as ₹1753
PolyvinylsiloxaneAutomatic Mixing Device -
- Ivoclar Vivadent Virtual VPS Materials - Refills
From ₹2671
As low as ₹2502
Excellent adaptation to moist hard and soft tissuesExceptional readability and precision - 3M ESPE Impregum Soft - Refills
From ₹3572
As low as ₹3572
Reliably perfect impressions on the first tryExcellent flow properties - Captures fine detail - 3M ESPE Monophase (Soft) Polyether Impression Material
From ₹5611
As low as ₹5611
Precise, void-free impressionsExcellent flow properties - great detail reproduction - Prime Dental Ad-Sil Acura Putty -Hard SetRegular Price ₹2500 Special Price ₹1580Polyvinyl SiloxaneImpression MaterialOut of Stock3M ESPE Express VPS Impression Material
From ₹2729
As low as ₹2582
The first VPS automix system used worldwideMultiple pour capabilityOut of StockGC NSJ NDS Cartridge DispenserSpecial Price ₹2175Designed to work with 50 & 75 mL delivery systemsIsolated barrel cartridge’s designOut of StockPrime Dental Adsil Acura Light Body CartridgeRegular Price ₹1800 Special Price ₹1474Hydrophilic nature.Out of StockZhermack Zetaplus Vl Introkit (Soft)Regular Price ₹3056 Special Price ₹1949Excellent RigidityThixotropy for the washesOut of Stock1 Avue Core Nano Dual + 1 Avue Gum Putty + 1 Avue Gum Light BodySpecial Price ₹7064Accurate ImpresionThixotropicOut of StockDMG Germany Silagum Light Body AutomixSpecial Price ₹1800Good hydrophilicityFlowable viscosityOut of StockKulzer Xantopren - L Blau 140mlRegular Price ₹700 Special Price ₹595Condensation silicone impression materialFlowing consistencyOut of StockKulzer Activator Universal Plus Paste RegionalRegular Price ₹700 Special Price ₹552Silicone impression materialOut of StockKulzer Optosil - P Plus Regional - 90mlRegular Price ₹1350 Special Price ₹1082Impression elastomeric moulding materialHigh viscosityOut of StockBuy Rubber Base Impression Materials Online in India
Impression materials are used to make negative imprints of the anatomical structures in the oral cavity. There are various impression materials that are used in dentistry most commonly in prosthodontic therapy. Of these different types, elastomeric impression materials have been used extensively to make final impressions for fabrication of prostheses. These impression materials are available in various consistencies that facilitate the recording of dental anatomy with fine precision.
What are elastomeric impression materials?
Elastomers or elastomeric impression materials are a group of synthetic polymer based impression materials. These materials are chemically cross linked when set and have the ability to be stretched and yet recover to their original dimensions. This attribute is similar to that of vulcanized rubber, which regains its original shape after the applied stress has been released. These are also called as Non-Aqueous Elastomeric Impression materials.
Chemically, elastomers can be divided in to three types namely, Silicones, Polyether and Polysulfide. Silicones are further divided into Addition and Condensation Silicones. Elastomers are supplied in base and catalyst forms, which are mixed to result in polymerization of the material.
Addition Silicone:
Often referred to as polyvinyl siloxane(PVS) or vinyl polysiloxane (VPS), these are silicone impression materials based on addition polymerization between divinylpolysiloxane and polymethylhydrosiloxane. A platinum salt acts as the catalyst for this reaction. The base pase contains both polymethylhydrosiloxanne and divinylpolysiloxane. The catalyst contains divinylpolysiloxane and the platinum salt catalyst. Fillers are added to both the base and the catalyst that change the consistency of the products.
Correct proportions of the base and catalyst ensure that there is no formation of by-products. However, if there is any residual polymethylhydrosiloxane, it can lead to a secondary reaction resulting in the formation of hydrogen gas. Although this doesn’t affect the dimensional stability off the impression it can result in pin point voids in the gypsum casts. To account for this, certain manufacturers add noble metals such as platinum to act as a scavenger for the hydrogen gas.
Condensation Silicone:
These impression materials are supplied as low viscosity two paste systems or two putty systems. The putty is used as the tray material and the low viscosity paste is used as the wash impression material. This technique is referred to as the putty wash technique. The by-product of condensation silicone setting reaction is ethyl alcohol. The evaporation that takes place due to this by product, results in contraction of the final impression.
Polyether impression materials are elastomers that deliver a high level of detail reproduction. They are of two types:
- Based on the ring opening polymerization of the arizidine rings, at the end of the branched polyether molecules.
- Based on the acid catalysed condensation polymerization of the polyether prepolymer with alkoxylsilane terminal groups.
The second type of polyether impression materials are also called as hybrids. Polyether elastomers of both types have similar behaviour.
Polysulfide elastomeric impression materials, like the other elastomers are supplied as base and catalyst forms. The base is a polysulfide polymer containing a multi-functional mercaptan, a filler and plasticizers. The catalyst consists of lead dioxide, a plasticizer and retarders to control the setting reaction. Polysulfide impression materials yield water as the by product, which has a significant effect on the dimensional stability of the final impression.
Mean Working Time (min)
Mean Setting Time (min)
37 oC
37 oC
Addition Silicone
Condensation Silicone
What are the brands selling rubber base impression materials online?
3M ESPE, Zhermack, GC, Medicept, DMG, Dentsply, Coltene, Meta, Prime Dental, Danville, Detax and Ivoclar are some of the many brands that sell elastomeric impression materials online at
Why buy rubber base impression materials online at
PinkBlue is the leading dental materials supply chain in India. All products are procured from trusted manufacturers and vendors and the quality of the products and assured to be high. All the products sold on are genuine. With the widest range of dental products available online in India, PinkBlue aims at revolutionizing the dental material supply in the country. With various convenient payment options, the orders are delivered within a short span of time. With cashback points with all orders, you get more value for your money.