X-Ray Processors & Viewers

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Buy Dental X Ray Processors Online in India



The image formed on the x ray film after exposure to x rays is invisible and is termed as the latent image. The x ray film is subjected to processing steps that renders the invisible latent image into a visible image with good quality of contrast. Excellent dental radiographs can be made using proper film exposure times and by optimization of film processing techniques. The final radiographic image consists of light and dark areas termed as radiopaque and radiolucent areas respectively. The radiolucent areas were struck by many photons whereas a few photons reached the radiopaque areas. X ray processing is crucial in obtaining a good quality dental radiograph with optimal contrast.


What are the methods of X ray processing?

Traditionally, all x rays were subjected to manual processing. The manual processing methods required a dark room with suitable requirements and processing solutions maintained at proper concentrations and temperatures to obtain an good quality image. Automatic processing machines were developed to make processing x rays far easier. The most important advantage of using automatic processing methods is the time saved.


Manual X Ray Processing:

Manual processing of the dental x ray film is done in a dark room. Processing solutions (developer and fixer solutions) are in the dark room facility to carry out processing procedures.


Requirements of a dark room: 

  • The dark room must be at atleast 4x5 feet sq feet in size to ensure convenience of the operation
  • It must be completely light proof to reduce the risk of film fogging which can be caused by stray light that enters the room
  • The room must be well ventilated for the comfort of the person working in the dark room
  • Safelighting using a red light (long wavelength) is necessary to have visibility of the work area without affecting the open film
  • Processing tanks consisting of developer and fixer solutions and water must be present at the right temperatures and concentrations.
  • A thermometer is necessary to keep a check on the temperature of the processing solutions
  • Using an interval timer can be useful in controlling development and fixation times
  • Drying racks can be useful to dry the x rays after processing procedures.


Manual Processing of an x ray film: 

The following steps are followed in manual processing of an x ray film: 

  1. The processing solutions are replenished and the levels are checked
  2. The solutions are stirred to equalize the temperature
  3. Check the temperature of the solutions after stirring as it may change the temperature.
  4. The films are mounted on the x ray hangers.
  5. The timer is set and the films are introduced into the developer solution. The following table may be used as a reference for development times 


Temperature of the solution (oF)

Development time (minutes)












  1. The films are removed from the development solution after the specified time.
  2. Rinse the films in a running water bath for 30 seconds
  3. After rinsing, the films are mounted onto the film hangars and placed in the fixer for 2-4 minutes and the fixer solution is agitated every 30 seconds
  4. After fixation, the films are rinsed under running water and dried.


Automatic X Ray Processing: 

Automatic processing equipment reduce the time taken to process x rays drastically. Depending on the processor it may take just 4-6 minutes to develop, fix, rinse and dry the x ray films. Most of the x ray processing equipment have light shielded compartments where the operator can remove the exposed film from the film packet and feed them into the processing machine. Extra oral films can be processed by removing the light shielded compartment to provide extra room for larger films


Mechanism of automatic x ray processors: 

  • Automatic processing units have an in-line arrangement
  • The x ray film is transported into various sections of the unit which are specified for development, fixation, washing and drying the film
  • The processing unit usually have independent assemblies of multiple rollers in a rack
  • One rack is present for each step of the operation
  • The rollers move the film through developing solutions.
  • However, they have three more purposes:
    • They keep the solutions agitated
    • Maintain uniformity of the processing solutions
    • Rapid refilling of the solutions
  • The film passes through the different sections of the processing unit and result in a processed x ray


The chemical compositions of the developers and fixers are modified to operate at temperatures higher than those used for manual processing. The fixer solution has an additional hardener which is incorporated to help the emulsion withstand the rigours of the transport system.


What are the brands selling dental x ray processors & viewers online in India?

IDS Denmed, Durr Dental, Neelkanth, Cristofoli Luna, and SuriDent are some of the brands that sell dental x ray processors and viewers online at PinkBlue.in.


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