VOCO Profluorid Varnish - SingleDose Refills

Sensitive teeth are a common problem in today’s world i.e a transient pain which is usually neglected by a majority of patients. Exposed dentinal tubules lead to hypersensitivity. So, it is important to treat and seal these tubules in order to treat hypersensitivity. Voco Profluorid Varnish is a fluoride-containing varnish to effectively seal dentinal tubules exposed on the inner walls of the cavity after cavity preparation or on the necks of the teeth. Profluorid Varnish is a colophony-based varnish contains 5 % sodium fluoride (22,600 ppm fluoride). The fluoride and calcium ions accumulate in the dentinal tubules forming a precipitate of calcium fluoride. This precipitate effectively seals the tubules. According to a user survey, around 85 % of patients were wholly free from pain after only one medication of Profluorid Varnish. In addition to briskly sealing the dentinal tubules, Profluorid Varnish facilitates the deposit of calcium fluoride on the tooth surface in order to subsidize the formation of fluorapatite in the long term. The fluorapatite shields the tooth from acid attacks. Xylitol, which testify ‘s cariostatic effect in addition to its taste-boosting properties, is also added to the varnish. It sets rapidly in seconds when it comes in contact with saliva.