Zen Super Flex 25mm Intro Pack (Super Flex + Pro S)

High Cutting efficiency
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Zen Super Flex

Zen Super Flex Files are the quintessential Gold Heat Activated rotary files for dental professionals that perform high quality dental treatments. These files come from the house of SpeedEndo and retain the enhanced qualities of unmatched flexibility & reliable longevity.

Zen Super Flex Files have a triangular cross section resulting in three crafted cutting edges. The gold heat activation ensures that the file has a stark increase resistance to cyclic fatigue when compared to files in the segment.

With ISO standardized constant tapers & sizes, Zen files give you excellent control over any clinical situation. Moreover, the latest Controlled Memory wire used, allows you to pre-curve your file based on the canal anatomy. That right. You get complete control. No more worrying about apical extrusion or unwarranted dentin loss.

Zen Super Flex Pro S File

Zen Super Flex Pro S Files is designed to have a special S-shaped cross-section. This allows minimum radial wall contact which translates to reduced stress on the file. In addition, the excellent upward debris auguring ensures that the debris isn't pushed apically or packed into the apical third. Further, proprietary heat treatment ensures that the file remains highly flexible and resistant to fracture.

Progressively increasing pitch avoids the screw-in effect, Sharp cutting flutes for better cutting efficiency & Excellent flexibility.

Safety non-cutting tip minimizes the risk of ledge formation & High fracture resistance.