Velscope Vx Oral Cancer Screening
Velscope Vx enhanced oral aasessment system which centers on a wireless, handheld scope that uses natural tissue fluorescence to enhance the way clinicians visualize oral mucosal abnormalities that might not be apparent or even visible to the naked eye.
Recognized by the World Health Organization in 2009 as a commercialized medical device that addresses global health concerns and is accessible to low and middle-income countries, the award-winning VELscope® Vx is among the world’s most widely used adjunctive devices for the enhanced visualization of oral mucosal abnormalities, such as oral cancer or pre-malignant dysplasia.
Supported by clinical studies illustrating the efficacy of the VELscope’s tissue fluorescence visualization, the device is used over 15,000 dental practitioners in 23
countries worldwide. The VELscope Vx is used to help detect lesions that may not be visible under traditional white light examinations, including precancerous and cancerous growths. It is
further used by surgeons to help identify diseased tissue around a clinically apparent lesion and thus aid in determining the appropriate margin for surgical excision to help surgeons ensure that all diseased tissue is successfully removed when excising cancerous lesions.
VELscope Vx is recognized by World Health Organization (WHO). It is the first technology approved by the USA FDA and Health Canada for early detection of cancerous and precancerous
lesions, that might be invisible to the naked eye, and to help determine the appropriate surgical margin when excision is indicated.