TePe Mini Kids (0-3 Years)
TePe Mini is a toothbrush recommended for children from 0 to 3 or 4 years of age. It has a small, tapered brush head and soft or extra soft filaments. The toothbrush handle offers a stable and convenient grip for children and adults alike.
A quality toothbrush is essential to maintain good oral hygiene. If the toothbrush is too hard and you are using incorrect techniques, the gums can be damaged resulting in toothbrush abrasion and recession. A worn toothbrush does not clean properly, so change it when the filaments are getting worn. Generally, it is recommended to change your toothbrush every three months or after recovering from an illness.
Cleaning your teeth in the same order every day reduces the risk that you will forget some tooth surfaces. A good rule is to start brushing where your problem areas are and to manually brush for 2-3 minutes twice a day. Avoid brushing too soon after a meal, especially after consuming highly acidic foods as the enamel is softened and may be harmed.