Dental Avenue India Pvt Ltd 28 B Udyog Vihar PhaseV NCR Gurgaon Haryana 122016 India
1. Clean and isolate tooth .
2. Etch tooth surface with Super Etch LV for at least 30 seconds, no more than 60 seconds.
3. Wash thoroughly with water.
4. Completely dry tooth.
Note: a dry field is essential for the following steps.
5. Directly inject or brush apply Conseal f pit and fissure sealant
6. Light cure Conseal f for 20 seconds
CAUTION: Ensure the dispensing tip hub is firmly attached to the Super Etch and Conseal f syringe by twisting the hub securely onto the syringe
Releases fluoride
Conseal f combines the proven SDI sealant technology with an intensive initial fluoride boost in conjunction with long term fluoride treatment. The unique Conseal f filler component, with its blend of particles and high surface-to-area volume ratios, enables high fluoride release. Fluoride enhances caries prevention, remineralization, and the inhibition of enamel demineralization.
Lowest viscosity
Conseal f is the lowest viscosity sealant. The ideal low viscosity allows Conseal f to fl ow faster and deeper into the prepared pits and fi ssures. A recognized cause of pit and fi ssure sealant failure is an inability to seal. The tighter seal optimizes Conseal f’s mechanical retention and eliminates the space required for bacteria to grow. Conseal f’s tight seal is further enhanced by its unique UDMA resin system’s lower shrinkage and by being BIS-GMA free, avoiding the controversy of Bisphenol A.
Low viscosity Super Etch LV
SDI has created a specialized blue gel 37% phosphoric acid etchant for sealants, in a direct delivery system. Super Etch LV’s lower viscosity improves the acid’s surface contact for deeper etchant penetration into the pits and fi ssures. The deeper acid penetration strengthens the mechanical bond and the retention success of Conseal f sealants.
Deepest penetration
Conseal f is available in direct placement syringes and single dose complets. Both have pre-bent, superfi ne dispensing tips which facilitate controlled, direct extrusion for faster procedures and allow direct dispensing into previously diffi cult to reach areas. The Conseal f nozzle, one third the size of other brands, enhances complete sealing and retention by allowing penetration into the deepest pits and fi ssures; crevasses that will not admit the dispensing tips of other materials.
Bio compatible
Conseal f’s low water solubility minimizes breakdown of the sealant in the oral environment.