- JJ Ortho Selfy Passive Metal Self Ligating Bracket Kit (10.05.10)Regular Price ₹4000 Special Price ₹2409Chamfered SlotLow Profile Design
- JJ Ortho Orthox Metal Bracket Kits
From ₹312
As low as ₹260
MIM One Piece BracketRhomboid Low Profile Design -
- Phyx Thrust Metal Bracket
From ₹311
As low as ₹311
MIM Brackets With Sand Blasted BaseEasy Identification -
- Ortho Orange Metal Brackets Kit - MBT 0.018 (Persian)Regular Price ₹940 Special Price ₹742Excellent BondabilityGreat Surface Integrity
- Ortho Orange Ceramic Kit - MBT 0.022 (Triple Line Base)Regular Price ₹1300 Special Price ₹1005Excellent IntegritySmooth Luster
- Axim Passive Self Ligating Metal Bracket Kit (Standard Torque)
From ₹4500
As low as ₹4363
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- Phyx Streak Metal Self Ligating Bracket MBT - 022Regular Price ₹4800 Special Price ₹2590Saves Chairside TimeExcellent Finishing
- JJ Ortho Selfy Clear Plus Metal Self Ligating Bracket Kit (10.05.22)Regular Price ₹14000 Special Price ₹8850Smooth EdgesHigh Strength
- JJ Ortho Selfy Passive Plus Metal Self Ligating Bracket Kit (10.05.11)Regular Price ₹6000 Special Price ₹3826One Piece DesignLow Profile Design
- Metro Lingual Brackets
From ₹3500
As low as ₹3500
High polishing effectLow profile for better patient comfort -
- Dentaurum Equilibrium ROTH 2-0.22 Non-Extraction KitSpecial Price ₹2200Out of Stock3M Unitek Abzil MBT Mini Metal Brackets MBT 5Regular Price ₹1728 Special Price ₹1666Corrosion ResistantMaximum Patient ComfortOut of StockDentaurum Equilibrium ROTH Mini-0.22 Non-Extraction KitSpecial Price ₹2200Out of StockDentaurum Equilibrium MBT 2-0.22 Non-Extraction KitSpecial Price ₹2200Out of StockDentaurum Equilibrium MBT Mini-0.22 Non-Extraction KitSpecial Price ₹2200Out of StockDentaurum Discovery Smart Brackets
From ₹125
As low as ₹125
High Degree of Intraoral ComfortPerfect AestheticsOut of StockOrtho Technology Pinnacle BracketFrom ₹2121
As low as ₹2121
Intelligent Bracket DesignMetal Injection Molding (MIM) TechnologyOut of Stock