Mothers Dental N Plus Endomotor With Apex Locator
"N+ Endomotor is a premium endomotor equipped with the Optimum Torque Reverse (OTR) Technology - a torque sensitive reciprocal motion in which the motor rotates in alternating 90 degree counter-clockwise and 180 degree clockwise rotation, when the torque exceeds a predetermined value. It is based on the principle of torque-provoked reversal, which is activated when preset torque is exceeded during 180 degree forward rotation, and then the file rotates 90 degree backward to release itself. It provides high cutting effectiveness at low torque values and moderate speed. - OTR technology improves significantly the cyclic fatique resistance especially in the shaping of the curved canals. OTR contributes to torque and force reduction during all NiTi rotary instrumentation with crown-down or single-length technique."