GDC Conservative Instruments S/19 Ring Handle Cassette (CIWC19)
Ergonomic Design
Corrosion Ressistant
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Package Contents: Set of 19 Handles
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Dental Instruments are widely used in dental treatments. Conservative kit is a combination of 19 hand instruments which includes
Conservative Cassette includes below given instruments :-
- Single End Probe # EXS6XL # 4
- Double End Probe # EXD5 # 4
- Marking Probe # POW6 # 4
- Mirror Handle # MH4 WITH TOP
- Tweezer # DP2
- Cement Spatula # CS4 #4
- Spoon Excavator # EXC19H # 4
- Ball Burnisher # BB22/23 # 4
- Round Condensor # PLG2 # 4
- Flat Condensor # PLGH3 # 4
- Plastic Filing # PF2 # 4
- Margin Trimmer # MT28H # 4
- Margin Trimmer # MT29H # 4
- Enamel Hatchet # CP53/54 # 4
- Enamel Chisel # CP7 # 4
- Enamel Hoe # CP24 # 4
- Diamond Shape Carver # CVFR2/3H # 4
- Hollenback Carver # CVHL3S # 4
- Ward Carver # CVWR1S # 4