Cancellations and Returns
Cancellations and Returns
I have just placed an order. How do I cancel the same?
Please get in touch with our customer care to get your order cancelled.
In cases where the order has not been shipped, the same will be cancelled immediately. In cases where the order has already been shipped, please do not accept the shipment when it arrives. PB will process the cancellation based on your communication with customer care.
However, the same is not applicable on products which have been specially procured against the order. In such cases, the PinkBlue team will notify the same to you immediately.
What are the cancellation charges?
Orders generally get shipped within 1-2 days. Shipping could be initiated as early as an hour within the order time.
In cases where the cancellation request reaches us before the shipping gets initiated, there will be no cancellation charges. In cases where shipping has been initiated, a cancellation charge of Rs 50 shall apply.
However, the same is not applicable on products which have been specially procured against the order. In such cases, a cancellation charge of up to 20% of the order value will be levied as per PinkBlue's discretion
How will I get the refunds for my cancelled orders?
In cases of post-paid (Cash-on-Delivery or Credit) orders, the cancellation charge if any, would apply on your next purchase.
In cases of pre-paid orders (online payments), on cancellation, your remaining amount will get refunded to you through the same payment mode which you had used for the transaction.
When will I get the refunds for my cancelled orders?
In case of non-shipped orders, the refund will be processed, on confirmation of cancellation by the Customer Support team.
In cases of orders which have already been shipped, cancellation gets confirmed once the products are received back at PinkBlue’s office. On confirmation of the same, the refund will get processed.
What do I do if I get my shipment in damaged condition?
PinkBlue takes utmost care in packing your orders and uses reliable logistics partners to carry your shipments. But, in the rare instance of a damaged shipment, please do not accept the delivery of the same.
Immediately on declining the delivery, please contact our customer care and inform about the same. PinkBlue Support team will help you in finding an alternate solution – shipping of a replacement or cancellation of the order.
I have bought a product from PinkBlue which I am yet to use. Is it possible to return the same?
PinkBlue has a no-questions-asked-returns policy for unused products. PB allows for returns, for 15 days from the date of receipt of the product. The products will have to be in its original condition for the same. Return shipping charges shall apply on all returns.
However, the same is not applicable on products which have been specially procured against the order. In such cases, the PinkBlue team will notify the same to you immediately.
In case you want to return a product, please contact our customer care.
PinkBlue Support team will help you in scheduling a pick-up for the returned product, from your place. In cases where the return shipment cannot be facilitated by PinkBlue, you may be asked to ship the product to our address directly.
I bought a product from PinkBlue. I have started using it, but do not like it anymore. Is it possible to return the same?
Returns are generally accepted only if the product is unused and is in its original condition.
In cases where the product has been used partially, if there are genuine reasons for the need for a return, PinkBlue shall initiate a return request with the manufacturer/vendor of the product. If the vendor is satisfied with the reasoning for the return of the product and is willing to accept the return, PinkBlue will confirm the acceptance of the return. If you want to initiate such a return process, please contact our customer care within 15 days of the receipt of the products. A return shipping fee of Rs 50 would be applicable, if returns are approved.
PB is just an intermediary in the sales process and hence will have to abide by the manufacturer’s returns policies. But, we have our customer at the heart of our service offerings, and we will do our best to protect the interests of our customers.
How does the returns process work?
In case you want to return a product, please contact our customer care to initiate the returns process.
After validating the return request, the PinkBlue Support team will help you in scheduling a pick-up for the returned product, from your place. In cases where the return shipment cannot be facilitated by PinkBlue, you may be asked to ship the product to our address directly.
Can I cancel/return only a part of my order?
Yes, it is possible to cancel/return only a part of your order. Please get in touch with our customer care to initiate a partial cancellation/return request.
When will I get my refunds, in case of returned products?
PinkBlue Support team will confirm the acceptance of your returns, on receiving the products back at PinkBlue’s office.
On confirmation of the same, your refund will be processed. The refund amount shall be paid back to you through the same payment mode, which you had used for making the payment. The same will be processed within 7-10 days from the date of refund confirmation.